Friday, September 4, 2009

History of computers

The development of the modern day computer was the result of advances in technologies and man's need to quantify. Papyrus helped early man to record language and numbers. The abacus was one of the first counting machines. . Some of the earlier mechanical counting machines lacked the technology to make the design work. For instance, some had parts made of wood prior to metal manipulation and manufacturing. Imagine the wear on wooden gears. This history of computers site includes the names of early pioneers of math and computing and links to related sites about the History of Computers, for further study.

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A Brief History of Computers and Network (GoldenInk.Com)
A Chronology of Computer History (Cyberstreet.Com)
A Chronology of Personal Computers (kpolsson -
A Few Quotes from Silicon Valley History
A Journey Through the History of Information TechnologyPhotos: History of Computing Information
Artificial Intelligence, History of A Timeline of Computer and Internet History
The Abacus ( Good pictures, overview, brief history, definition, counting boards, bibliography, and links for further study)
Pioneers: Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage Biographical Notes
The Babbage Pges: Biography
Babbage's Analytical Engine
Charles Babbage Institute (U. of Minn.)
Charles Babbage - Bibliographical notes (
Picture of Charles Babbage (
Calculator Reference, Research Page
Chronology of Computer History (
Chronology of Personal Computers (Ken Polsson)
Computing Science, History of
Computers: From the Past to the Present
DIJKSTRA, EDSGER WYBE Mathematician, Computer Scientist,
Shortest Path Algorithm, Computer Programmer, Educator
Biographical Notes: Edsger W. Dijkstra (
Edsger Dijkstra, The shortest-path algorithmDijkstra's Algorith (
E. W. Dijkstra Archive (
Dijkstra's Algorith (
GoTo Statement Considered Harmful by Edsger Dijkstra, 1968;
Article began the structured programming movement.
How Do We Tell Truths that Might Hurt? by Edsger Dijkstra, 1975:
On old problems in programming
Edsger Dijkstra on universitiesEdsger Dijkstra:RIP (death notice)
J. Presper Eckert Interview
The Eckert/ENIAC Collection
Fibonnaci Numbers
Fibonnaci Numbers Definition
Fibonnaci Numbers and the Golden Section
Google.Com's Computer History Links
Great Microprocessors of the Past and Present
Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century
Historic Computer Images (
History of Computers Article by
History of Computer Viruses and Attacks (
History of Computing (
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Internet History: Roads and Crossroads of Internet History (Gregory Gromov)
Book: Jacquard's Web: How a Hand Loom Led to the Birth of the Information Age
by James Essinger. Read about this book at
Jacquard LoomThe Jacquard Loom (
KAHN, ROBERT E (co-inventor of TCP/IP Technology for Internet)
Robert E. Kahn Biographical Notes
Robert E. Kahn Awarded National Medal of Technology
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz (1646-1716)
Mind Machine Museum (
Project Xanadu
Past Notable Women of Computing and MathematicsPC Computers, Pre-IBM
Dennis Ritchie Home Page
Shareware, History of Silicon Valley History (
. History (
The Charles Babbage Institute
This is located at the University of MinnesotaMany computer subjects including the history of computers...
The Evolution of the Computer
Univac Memories (
Book: The Unsung Heroes of the PC Age
Virtual Museum of Computing
Dr. An Wang (Magnetic Core Memory) (
An Wang, Hall of Fame Inventor Profile
Project Xanadu
Konrad Zuse

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